Wednesday, 25 July 2018

#176 - Most Likely to Die (2016)

"A hollow shell of a 'friends reunite and get killed one by one' story, Most Likely to Die is a cliche ridden mess that becomes almost laughably awful in the first half.

 From sour exposition fumbled in the most generic of manners to inexplicable 'bonding' moments that have all the humanity of stuffed doll, it stumbles its way through a checklist of perceived necessities before arriving at the kills. 

Unfortunately we don't care for these characters,we have absolutely no reason to like them, only told we should like them through dialogue - the actions do nothing but show a callous, unfriendly group of strangers.

 The deaths themselves vary from tedious to surprisingly gruesome - one particular decapitation scene perhaps the only saving grace for gore hounds hoping for blood. 

Ultimately, there is nothing new or exciting to find here; it's an exercise in futility as the actors try and put in performances from the limp script they've been handed. Alas, this is a mess worth watching only to find a new appreciation in others of the genre"

- 3/10

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