Saturday, 7 July 2018

#166 - Ocean's 8 (2018)

"Competent in all aspects without ever elevating to great, the film zips by in a predictable manner that makes this feel like pure sequence writing that could be an exercise in film making rather than an actual film with a strong creative drive powering a story wishing to be told. 

The acting and characters are fine, the plotting is fine, it's like a dinner that fills you up but had no flavours to make it memorable.

 Other than a minor revenge sub plot, there's not really much personal stakes or tension, we never feel the plan is going to fail or people are genuinely worried about this enormous heist they are undertaking. 

No-one really has any arcs,instead they whir like cogs in a machine completing the base function they need to do. The directing is rather flat, and there's no particularly interesting shots or camera work - everything is serviceable.

 Unfortunately this is its biggest downfall - you can watch it but will forget it the next day"

- 5/10

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