Thursday, 12 July 2018

#170 - Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film [doc] (2006)

"A historic look at the lifeline of the slasher from its early days all the way through to the 90's resurgence. 

Told through clips and interviews from both directors, actors and writers, this is a love letter to the sub genre of horror with a wonderful look not just into the history and inspirations that molded the most well known of the era, but why slashers are so successful and what audiences get out of it on an emotional and psychological level. 

Both appreciative and realistic, the frank discussions of several writers talking of how their films were only picked up after proven studio successes from others also highlights the cliched idea of slashers being nothing but lowest denominator pulp. 

This is not just for hardcore genre fanatics, but anyone who enjoys film in general; the delightful mixture of waxing poetic on the thematic nature of the slasher and the more rooted history and events that formed this towering behemoth of a saturated film landscape is both fascinating and enjoyable" 

- 8/10

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