Tuesday, 17 July 2018

#172 - Spitfire [documentary] (2018)

"Equally enthralling and reflective in lavish amounts of both, Spitfire is a perfect blend of history, story, and rumination all wrapped around the captivating machine itself. 

An endearing, joyous love letter, it never feels too over indulgent or bias, especially when considering its part in the war, instead focusing a lot of time on the veterans that flew them and the stories they made. 

Without glossing over the reasons for their existence - that of a killing machine of war - it captures the post war audience besotted with the craft and what it came to represent; that of determination, integrity, ingenuity, and bravery. These traits reveal it was the humanity that flew them that molded a tool of destruction into a symbol of hope. 

This is all without even focusing on the breathtaking aerial shots and cinematography of the spitfires flying in modern day over the haunting strikes on a piano and soft strings that accompany them. There are some wonderfully striking sequences that practically grab you from the screen, the immersion total"

- 8.5/10

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