Wednesday, 19 September 2018

#195 - The Predator (2018)

"The Predator should be taught in schools as an exercise of how to do almost everything wrong. The first scene is probably the best of the entire film (and you should probably leave as soon as it finishes) - a predator ship being chased tears a hole in space before crash landing on earth and rudely interrupting our main 'hero' from his job shooting people with his sniper.

 The plot crawls along scene to scene as if a different writer wrote the last and was only allowed to see the final sentence of the previous - this film is an insult to the words 'plot convenience'. 
The tonal dissonance is staggering; there is a constant, uneven kilter between supposed edgy humour and hilariously over the top gore, all in the unimpressive wonders of lackluster CGI.

Characters exist only as fodder or exposition, often forgotten and normally gratuitous. The films tackles mental awareness with the blunt tongs of cinematic ignorance, people often 'slipping' into whatever condition they are supposed to have only when it's 'funny' or required to move the story onward. 

Mind-boggling from start to finish, this is a shocker, languishing in a self-made pit of ineptitude"

- 3/10

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