"An extraordinary animated documentary, centered around horrific real world events, Waltz with Bashir flows through its narrative and revelations in a dream like state coasting from a lucid serenity to brash nightmare.
We follow a man who fought in the IDF trying to regain his lost memories of his involvement in the invasion of Beirut and the subsequent massacres that were perpetrated on the Palestinian people in Sabra and Shatila.
The animation is a unique blend of adobe flash and traditional animation. Hard shadows and angular, haunted faces of the war memories play out like a drug induced, sleep-derived trip.
The majority of the film is themed around the potential of, consciously or unconsciously, forgetting memories that harbor guilt. This is hard subject matter, and one of the films strengths is its unwillingness to potentially skirt or avoid the grim reality of what occurred - there is no glamourisation or sympathy begging, simply facts that simmer to the surface as each memory is rediscovered.
It is this unflinching look at a horrible time in world history that makes the viewing so compelling"
- 8.5/10
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