"A tensely wrought thriller focusing on three people in a bunker as, according to the owner, it's protecting them from an apocalypse that has occurred on the surface. The slow seeping of character as the film progresses is masterful, the uneasiness elevated through snippets of information that is released through organic storytelling as opposed to stilted exposition.
John Goodman is exceptional as the softly spoken but looming figure of Howard, his quietly measured cadence evolves the role into a Jekyll and Hyde criss-cross between sympathetic father figure and suspicious stranger. Bouncing off him is the equally good Winstead as Michelle, wary at every moment, never quite succumbing to the allure of the 'rescuer' as she slowly pieces together a more insidious motive.
The final fifteen minutes is a genre bending nosedrive, a frantic, shaky antithesis of what fell before underground"
- 8/10
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