Tuesday, 22 January 2019

#4 - Fyre: The Greatest Party that never happened [doc] (2019)

"A cautionary tale of how hedonistic indulgence and social media obsession can mask the nightmarish reality of inexperience"

- 7.5/10

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

#3 - Colette (2018)

"U-turning from whimsical saccharine to thoughtful reflection; an experience almost fully enjoyable"

- 6.5/10

#2 - The Favourite (2018)

"A lumbar puncture of humour, exuding all the chaos, confusion, and charm that yearn and desire brings"

- 8/10

#1 - Free Solo (2018) [doc]

"A dizziness forged from both literal heights and the marvel of human endurance"

- 8/10

Failure of the Project

This is a quick post to say that whilst I enjoyed the idea of my challenge set at the start of last year, the application was one that soon soured in appetite. 

The premise of an extra word per day was fun until the reviews grew to a size that felt like no restriction, instead a tired, forced expulsion of formulaic thoughts that were no longer fun to write. 

As a result I spectacularly collapsed after the first half of the year, with the latter containing only sparse updates far off my target - ending with a little over 200 entries. 

Rather than mope, I plan on continuing to post as many reviews as films I see (an attempt at daily will happen but not always occur) with only a soft restriction. The early, limited words were the most fun I had of the entire project - #2 was my favourite. So, the small restriction will be the upper limit, it will be 19 words as we're now in 2019. 

Let's see how it goes. 

Thanks to the small amount of people that read last years reviews and were supportive of the project in general.